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September 2003  

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logo puzzle of the month 1 Puzzle #91
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logo pzm 3 W-kammer #1
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to puzzle #91
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If a square and a rectangle are of the same Perimeter… Then, which one of the polygons is larger in Area? Explain!

Square perimeter = 4s,
rectangle perimeter = 2((s-n)+(s+n)) = 4s.
As shown below, C+n2 = A, then C < A,
and B+C (=rectangle) < B+A (=square).
Thus, the rectangle is less than the Area of the square by the square of the difference of their sides (n2).
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Quiz #1
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Test your math knowledges online
1. Goliath is 3 meters tall, whereas David is only 1.50 meters tall. Both are well proportioned, so how much more does Goliath weigh than David? 2. A Canadian lumberjack, working on a daily basis, was paid 3,277 US dollars (he received only banknotes). How much did he earn per day? 3. The # symbol is often referred to as number sign or pound sign. Do you know what the real name for the symbol # is?
a) 8 x more
b) 2
c) 3.5
enter your guess
a) arithmolog
b) octothorpe
c) magic sign

Wunderkammer #1
Puzzling facts
early a symbolThe first electronic mail, or "e-mail", was sent in 1972 by Ray Tomlinson. It was also his idea to use the @ sign to separate the name of the user from the name of the computer. Much earlier still, the @ sign was (supposedly) a monastic ligature or abbreviation in Latin handwritings of the Middle Ages. Writers and amanuenses had used it to abbreviate the Latin "ad" (at, to), a common word at that time, due to a lack of space or for convenience sake. Then, the @ sign appeared on the Iberian Peninsula in the XVth century. Spanish and Portuguese merchants dealt in cattle and wine, thereby using a measure for weighing solids and liquids called "arroba". The word is of Arabic origin (ar-roub) and means "a quarter". Later, the @ sign was used by grocers and accountants throughout the English-speaking world to indicate a rate, or cost per unit, as in "10 gal. @ $3.45/gal." (ten gallons at three dollars and forty-five cents per gallon).
Here are some sampling of the many names of @, world-wide:
In French, @ sign is called "arobase". Probably derived from Spanish "arroba".
In Danish it's either called "alfa-tegn" (alpha-sign) or "snabel" (elephant's trunk).
In German, @ is most often called either "Affenschwanz" (monkey's tail) or "Klammeraffe" (hanging monkey).
In Hebrew, it's most often either a "shablul" or "shablool" (snail) or a "shtrudl" (strudel, that is, the pastry). In both cases, it's something that is rolled up.
Italians call @ "chiocciola" pronounced "kee-AH-cho-la" (snail), and sometimes, "a commerciale" (business a).
Japanese borrows words freely from foreign languages, though usually with a distinctly Japanese pronunciation. Japanese accounting and computer people normally call @ "atto maaku" (at mark).
In Russian, the official term for @ is "a kommercheskoe" (commercial a), but it is usually called "sobachka" (little dog or "doggie").
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Life looks like 2 locked boxes, each containing the others key...

Math Gems

Sum of numbers
from 1 to n



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