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Pencil Games • Giochi di carta e matita • Jeux papier-crayon
by Gianni A. Sarcone & Marie-Jo Waeber

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Pencil Puzzles - 1
(Pencil Puzzles - 2)

How to play... Come giocare... Comment jouer...
• Print this page, take a pencil and try to solve the following puzzles...
• Imprime cette page, prends un crayon et essaie de résoudre les jeux suivants...
• Stampa questa pagina, prendi una matita e prova a risolvere i seguenti rompicapo...

mondrianize puzzle
1. Mondrianize-it! bulbbulbbulb
This line of puzzles, inspired by the artworks of the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian, consists in dividing the large square board with straight lines along the small chequered squares in order to partition the board into squares and rectangles so that each square holds exactly one red star and each rectangle, one red dot (see example below).

2. Reclone-it!  bulbbulbbulbbulb 
Using the grid dots you have to repartition the large gray shape within the board opposite into 2 smaller congruent shapes (that is shapes that coincide exactly when superimposed). Two congruent shapes can be identical or mirrored, as illustrated in the examples below.
examples 2
reclone-it puzzle

pathfinder puzzle
pathfinder explanation
3. Pathfinder bulbbulb
Draw pathway lines on the pink board to join similar symbols together (triangle to triangle, pentagon to pentagon, etc.)
Rules of the game: 1. No line may cross another line. 2. No line can cross the black bands (see description at the bottom of the puzzle). 3. Only ONE line can cross the red bands with stripes. 4. The wavy dotted band MUST be crossed by at least THREE different connecting pathway lines. 5. Respecting the previous points, every pathway line should be the SHORTEST possible.

4. Pythagoras  bulbbulbbulbbulb
This game, involving square patterns, is a tribute to the Greek mathematician Pythagoras and was designed to stimulate your visuospatial skills! Blacken a white dot within the board so that, starting from this dot, exactly four (4) perfect squares can be drawn by joining together their vertices. You can obviously join together only black dots as shown in the example below.
pythagora example
pythagora puzzle

5. Calderize-it  bulbbulbbulb
"Calderize-it" is a balance puzzle line inspired by the kinetic artworks of the American artist Alexander Calder who was well known for his stunning "mobile sculptures".
calderize it exampleYou have to ascribe whole-number weights (1, 2, 3, etc... up to 13) to the hanging masses of the balance below in order to maintain the rods horizontal (horizontal rods indicate there is equal torque on both sides). The torque of each mass is its weight times its distance from the fulcrum (= pivot point). The example opposite balances since:
2 x 7 = 1 x 2 + 3 x 4.
Note also that the total weight of any balanced rod equals the sum of all the hanging masses distributed underneath it, in the example: 7 + 2 + 4 = 13.

Calderize-it balance puzzle

treadmill puzzle

6. Treadmill bulbbulbbulb
You have to connect with a belt the 2 wheels spotlighted in red. Which kind of belt would you choose in order to make the treadmill rotate in the proper direction: A or B?
treadmill example

7. Strimko  bulbbulb
Strimko is a clever logic puzzle involving numbers invented by the Grabarchuk Family.
Fully fill in the given grid with missing numbers (1 through 6) observing three simple rules:
1. Each row must contain different numbers.
2. Each column should contain different numbers.
3. Each stream must contain different numbers.



All our pencil puzzles are syndicated by Knight Features.Knight Features

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