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 by Gianni Sarcone and Marie Waeber  

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103-Neon_variant_COL Hypnotic Neon Lights

Neon color spreading effect (#103)

Do you see a pattern of large and small squares? The apparent neon squares seem to pulsate slightly when we concentrate on the image...

This illusion combines 'neon color spreading' with 'illusory contour' effect: not only do you perceive squares where NONE exist, but the squares have also phantom colors!

- Varin, 1971, 'Fenomeni di contrasto e diffusione cromatica nell'organizzazione spaziale del campo percettivo', Rivista di Psicologia, 65.
- van Tujil, 1975, 'A new visual illusion: Neonlike color spreading and complementary color induction between subjective contours'. Acta Psychologica, 39.

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The Authors
Gianni A. Sarcone and Marie J. Waeber, designers and writers, are specialists in creative learning. They create and invent educational manipulatives and thinking games which help teach mathematics, visual and plastic arts. Their maxim is: “be curious first!”. In 2018, they won the prestigious Royal Society's Young People's Book Prize (click here to get more info about the authors).

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